Earnings Disclaimer
At Top10MealDelivery Services, we are strong advocates of the consumer’s right to know everything. In the spirit of full disclosure, we would like to inform you that this website uses affiliate links. That means that if you click a link on our website that redirects you to the official site of a featured service, we may earn a commission for purchases you make after following the link.
However, not every link on our site is an affiliate link. Sometimes, the companies we review are grateful for our feedback and the fact that we are spreading the word about them. In return, they welcome us into their affiliate programs and let us earn commissions when we help them gain customers. Other times, companies are not interested in such partnerships, but we still recommend them if we establish that their offers are worthy of our recommendation.
Top10MealDeliveryServices is also a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and receives advertising fees by publishing links to amazon.com.
Affiliate links only reward us as reviewers for helping attention-worthy services gain new patrons. They do not result in any additional costs to you. They simply allow us to earn some cash so we could cover our ongoing expenses.
So far, we have reviewed dozens of services, many of which have affiliate programs in which we participate. When you click a link on our website that redirects you to a featured service, it is safe to assume that you have used an affiliate link, although it may not necessarily be the case. This has no implications for you, apart from indirectly helping us stay afloat, so we can keep helping hungry home diners find perfect solutions for their cravings.
We wish to state that compensations received may affect the relative order in which different services are featured on our website. In that sense, conversion rates and compensations can influence a company’s rating or ranking, together with other relevant factors, including the company’s reputation, service and product quality, and consumer interest and feedback.
If we have left any of your questions unanswered, do not hesitate to get in touch with us via our contact form.