Moink VS Snake River Farms Comparison
If you are struggling to decide between Moink and Snake River Farms, you have come to the right place. For your convenience, we have gathered all the important facts about these 2 meat deliveries and laid them out in our side-by-side Moink VS Snake River Farms comparison. Discover how the services measure up to one another in terms of everything from meat quality and variety to sourcing practices and ordering flexibility and easily decide which one is better for you.

- Price Range: $
- Average Price Per Meal: $40.00
- Shipping Cost: $9.99 *
- Delivery Area: 50 states

- Price Range: $$
- Average Price Per Meal: $4.50
- Shipping Cost: $0 *
- Delivery Area: all 48 continental states
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- Submitted By Katherine Humphrey on 06/22/2018Simply divine beef, treated ourselves to some gold-grade prime rib for our anniversary, it was magical, the best meal I’ve ever had!
- Submitted By Jamie McLaughlin on 02/14/2018Finally discovered the secret to the perfect brisket and it’s meat quality, no doubt about it. I’ve always bought the best I could find but this is something else, it’s impossible to describe the difference in flavor.

- Submitted By Debra Ann Hunt on 11/26/2019I have been using MOINK for about 5 months now. LOVE them! The meat and seafood quality is above average. Customer service is great. I wish they would add some different seafood choices. The salmon is fabulous but I'm getting a bit tired of it.
- Submitted By Susan DeLuco on 10/07/2019When I first viewed Moink in my Cusine magazine I was very excited. My delivery was very disappointing. Our delivery sat on the front porch at another home for a day because Fed Ex delivered to the wrong address. Some of my chicken order was incomplete and I found the meals to be very disappointing. We have many organic beef, chicken and pork farms that are far superior in New York State. We were soooo disappointed and have no desire to order from Moink. I love to cook but this meat was a challenge. I would never recommend this company.
- Submitted By Meat Lover on 08/30/2019The meat is delicious, but the customer service is poor. For the price, it's not worth the hassle.
- Submitted By Matthew Lipscomb on 02/18/2019Received 3 orders so far, never a slightest problem. Great meat, the quality is more than obvious, and I'm already hooked on the thick cut bacon, it's possibly the best I've ever had. And thank goodness, no delivery issues. I've ordered from other meat deliveries before and let me tell you, half of the times, I wasn't even sure the meat was safe to eat because of the terrible packaging. No such issues with Moink. Just in case someone's wondering, I'm not giving them 5 stars just because I'm not a fan of subscriptions and getting too much meat at once, but if they keep up the good work, I'll keep ordering.

In this Snake River Farms review, we explore the impressive selection of premium beef and pork cuts available at the Snake River Farms online shop. From the finest American Wagyu beef to the amazingly flavorful Kurobuta pork, which is considered to be equal in status to Kobe beef, this company offers some of the best meat in America, with 150+ items on offer.