Not too long after Blue Apron Vegetarian option was introduced it became one of the most popular ones. Unlike other meal delivery companies that are trying to swoon you with a lot of big words and famous chefs, Blue Apron focuses on quality ingredients, perfect recipes and a commitment towards a better food system. They feature only three menu options Signature, Wellness and Blue Apron Vegetarian, the one we want to talk to you about now. Each of them is a carefully thought-out and planned menu filled with healthy and tasty meals.

If you decide to subscribe to Blue Apron Vegetarian meal delivery service you will be taking the first step towards a better life. You won’t be wasting time looking for diverse and delicious recipes and slaving in the kitchen for hours. All the pre-portioned ingredients you need will be delivered to your doorstep in insulated protective packaging. And you should know that over 85% of Blue Apron packaging is recyclable by weight. The meals will be ready to eat in less than half an hour leaving you free to enjoy life and spend time how you want.
The best thing about this meal delivery service is its price. You will be paying just $59.94 for a Vegetarian for 2 plan that includes 3 recipes per week for two people! The important word here is recipes as you will be getting all of them for free. Just imagine how easier your life will be if you could just choose between dozens and dozens of healthy meals that are easy to make even without Blue Apron. You can go through their entire menu and decide what meals are your favorites for future reference.
How does Vadouvan & Cashew-Crusted Tofu with Chutney-Braised Vegetables and Cilantro Sauce sound? How about Mafalda Pasta & Yellow Tomato Sauce with Zucchini and Capers? We know, you’re already hungry and can’t wait to join all the other people who are already using Blue Apron. This meal subscription service is very flexible and if you want to skip a couple of meals or weeks you can do so really easily. You can skip up to five weeks or cancel the subscription altogether with a click of a button. All this makes this decision risk-free.
We saved the best for last, as we have a special discount just for Top 10 Meal Delivery Services visitors. You can get amazing $60 off your first three boxes! This offer is valid for all their menus and selections. It is time limited so if you want to enjoy this exclusive deal just click the button below and choose the menu that suits you best. Finally, Blue Apron also features a marketplace, a place where you can shop for high-quality kitchen utensils and spices. And you should check out their wine selection, it is out of this world and really affordable considering the quality you’ll be getting.