Veestro vegan meal delivery has been doing really well these days. The consistent rise in demand for plant-based meals seems to have positively affected its bottom line, as the company has just opened a new distribution center on the East Coast to handle orders more efficiently. Moreover, this expansion has allowed it to switch to fully curbside recyclable packaging, making the company even more eco-friendly. Here is what you should know about these new developments at Veestro.

Shorter Shipping Times & Easier Recycling
Delivering food comes with a number of challenges, as it is not easy to keep everything in perfect condition and preserve freshness during transit. It takes a lot of ice and proper insulation, leaving the recipient with a bunch of waste that is not always easily recyclable.
Previously, Veestro used compostable carton trays and recyclable plastic pouches, but the shipping times did not allow it to use packaging that is 100% curbside recyclable. The new distribution center has changed the situation for the better, instigating the switch to more eco-friendly insulation and allowing the customers to dispose of the packaging properly with minimum effort while waiting less for the food to arrive.
With manufacturing facilities in both LA and Delaware, the company’s products can now reach the patrons’ homes in no more than 3 days, regardless of location. Plus, the curbside recycling option means easier disposal and less insulation in landfills, which is a major improvement since America has long been struggling with excess waste poisoning the air, the water, and the environment as a whole.
We believe that this is a great move for Veestro and hope that the customers will be happy about these significant changes that make it possible for the company to deliver fresher food while reducing its carbon footprint.